Accordion Association

of CalgarY​

Jarosh Ensemble performing ​Procession of the Nobles, conducted by Maureen Jarosh


December 1, 2024

We are hosting our annual Winter Concert.  It is happening:

When:  Sunday December 1, 2024

Time:  Doors open at 6:30pm

Location:  Killarney Glengarry Community Hall

Admission:  $10.00/Adult or by Donation

spring concert

a la carte

april 12, 2025 6:30 - 10:00

We're hosting our A La Carte festival fundraiser at the Killarney-Glengarry Community Hall. See our AAC member newsletter for all information, details and links!

Raise funds with us

With our A La Carte, we're raising funds to host our 2025 Music Festival. Our festival provides the opportunity to AAC accordion students to perform in front of an adjudicator and compete for scholarships. 

Donate or adopt a scholarship

Help us provide this opportunity by individual donation or adopt one of our scholarships for your company.

Adopt a scholarship:

$25, $50, or $100

** Members and guests of Accordion Association of Calgary only

All donations can be sent to our treasurer Ken Wedemire at




June 21 - 22, 2025

Our annual Music Festival is a a competition for accordion students that are members of the AAC.  Every year, we organize classes and arrange for an adjudicator to come and judge the hard work and talent of our various levels and ages of competitors.